IPCS Course/Workshop/Book Purchase Terms & Conditions
Once you have made payment, please do not refresh your payment page; please wait 3-5 seconds to be redirected to a new page that provides your purchase access details.
If you cannot find the access details, please email [email protected] and we will respond to you promptly during business hours in the Brisbane, Australia time zone.
Please note that refunds will not be issued as immediate access to the electronic materials is granted upon successful completion of the PayPal/credit card payment. Please thoroughly read the information on our website course pages to ensure you are purchasing the right item to suit your individual needs, or email us [email protected] for assistance.
If you have purchased a course in instalment or in full, our Student Services team will be in touch with you on the next business day, Brisbane, Australia time zone, to confirm your enrollment details. If required, you can purchase the practical kit from here. You can read our full administrative details and student policies as part of the Student Prospectus, available here.
If you have any enquiries, please email [email protected]
Happy formulating!