Cosmetic Brand Management Training

Are you wondering: how can I start a cosmetic business? How much does it cost to start a cosmetic brand?

Build a successful Cosmetic Brand:

If you are wondering how to start your own cosmetic brand, then this is the course for you.

Having your own cosmetic brand takes more than just a great cosmetic product idea. You also need to learn how to find that unique position in the market, develop cosmetic products to suit a niche, communicate your cosmetic products effectively, conduct market research and cosmetic testing, set the right price for your product and cosmetic marketing budgets, and ensure cosmetic marketing claims and label compliance!

Learn all these skills and many more by studying our Diploma of Cosmetic Brand Management. This Diploma includes the Business Plan training below plus much, much more essential learning to start your own cosmetic brand. 

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build a cosmetic brand, cosmetic brand course


Certificate in Cosmetic Labels and Claims

Did you know that ANY cosmetic brand, even small cosmetic brands, are directly responsible for their cosmetic claims, labels and ingredient lists? This includes links to external websites, even if they are research or testimonials; and ALL of your social media posts. Just because another brand has non-compliant cosmetic claims or labels does not exempt you from what YOU have on your labels, website and posts. Customers and competitors can report you to Regulatory Authorities at any time – breaking these rules can result in recalls and fines – don’t risk it! Learn the rules to get your labels and claims right. 

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write cosmetic labels, cosmetic claims, cosmetic labels and claims


Certificate in Cosmetic Market Research & Product Positioning

Wondering if your product is a good idea? and how do you find a unique position for my products? The Certificate in Cosmetic Market Research & Product Positioning teaches you how to research your competitors, find that strong point of difference and then test the opportunities of the product concept to ensure your cosmetic product success. It also teaches you how to determine the right retail price and size for your cosmetic product; as well as how to prepare and conduct market research surveys to find out what your target market really thinks. Be sure about your cosmetic product and brand, its key ingredients, performance, price and size BEFORE you launch. 

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cosmetic product good idea, cosmetic market research


Cosmetic Brand Business workshops

Do you want to create your own cosmetic brand or cosmetic line? Or maybe you have been selling on a small scale at the markets, to family and friends and now want to take the next steps? You may also be trying to take that next step, hitting brick walls and have more questions than answers…?

The Cosmetic Brand Essentials workshops provide an overview of what you need to think of when planning your personal care products and business PLUS comes with a FREE book! Find out how to identify opportunities, what you need for your labels, claims and evidence, essential safety, stability and performance testing as well as legal requirements and how to set budgets, pricing and your marketing plan. It also provides you with a FREE Business Plan template, pricing strategy and all the things you need to think of PLUS industry guidance on what is normal and necessary for the personal care industry. 

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start a cosmetic brand