Full course

I want to receive full learning materials, study support, complete assessment and gain a professional qualification.

Study only

I want to watch the lectures and get access to learning materials for self-study. I don’t need study support or the qualification.

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Full course enrolment

Upfront payment:

Certificate in Cosmetic Labels & Claims – full course

  • Full course access provided immediately once paid
  • Complete assessments and earn Certification
  • Up to 6 weeks to complete full qualification
  • Unlimited access to online lectures
  • For our full course student download our Prospectus and Application, please click here.


 By clicking the Buy Now button you confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions

Access immediately once payment is processed


OR to pay via PAYPAL

For immediate access once purchased, stay on PayPal page for access details

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Study only - Upfront payment

Upfront payment:

Cosmetic Labels & Claims - study only option

  • Full course access provided immediately once paid
  • No assessment commitment, study support or qualification
  • No due dates
  • Unlimited access to online lectures


 By clicking the Buy Now button you confirm that you have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions

Access immediately once payment is processed


OR to pay via PAYPAL

For immediate access once purchased, stay on PayPal page for access details

Enter your email